ARTE2022 – International Workshop on Applied Research, Technology Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Software and Data Science

Vom 22. – 24. August 2022 veranstaltet das Software Competence Center Hagenberg einen Workshop auf der diesjährigen DEXA Konferenz in Wien. Der Fokus des Workshops liegt in der angewandten Forschung im Umfeld von Software- und Data Science und soll den Erfahrungsaustausch zum Knowledge Transfer bei Kooperationen mit Industriepartnern ermöglichen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier sowie in der folgenden Beschreibung:

A central goal of applied research in software and data science is to turn scientific results into successful solutions of practical relevance for industry, business, as well as end users, and society in general. Crossing the gap between research and practice is a challenging endeavor. It requires research excellence paired with a detailed understanding of real industry needs, business constraints, and user requirements; systematic knowledge and technology transfer to ensure practical impact and long-term benefits; close involvement of stakeholders and end users in designing, developing, and exploring new concepts and approaches; support for engineering industry-strength solutions together with company partners along value chains.

The workshop ‚Applied Research, Technology Transfer and Knowledge Exchange in Software and Data Science (ARTE)‘ is a unique event to facilitate the discussion and knowledge exchange on applied research collaborations between industry and academic partners in the overarching disciplines of software and data science. The workshop aims to highlight, share, and document experiences, lessons learned, and best practices related to technology transfer and knowledge exchange. On the one hand, this should increase the awareness and understanding about critical tasks, success factors, potential pitfalls, challenges and opportunities in applied research projects and, on the other hand, it will provide an environment to generate new opportunities for future collaborations. We would especially like to invite participants and organizations at the intersection of basic research and industry or business to share their experiences.

Einreichungen für Beiträge können bis zum 7. März 2022 unter folgendem Link übermittelt werden: 

22.08.2022 - 24.08.2022

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