Reproducibility Engineering in a Nutshell

Termin: Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2022, 14:00 – 16:00 Uhr, digitaler Workshop

Referent: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mauerer (OTH Regensburg)

The workshop addresses one of the most crucial, yet unfortunately often underappreciated aspects of data-driven science: The provision of sufficient information on technical aspects, methodology, and computational steps to reproduce published results.

Since data-driven research often involves complex software stacks that non-trivially interact with hardware, sharing experimental setups is anything but trivial: Building a working reproduction package goes far beyond providing a DOI to some repository hosting data, code, and setup instructions.

This tutorial revisits reproducibility engineering in the face of state-of-the-art technology, and best practices gained in computer science research. In particular, in the hands-on part, we demonstrate how to package entire system software stacks for dissemination. To ascertain long-term reproducibility over decades (or ideally, forever), we discuss why relying on open source technologies massively employed in industry has essential advantages over approaches crafted specifically for research. Supplementary material shows how version control systems that allow for non-linearly rewriting recorded history can document the structured genesis behind experimental setups in a way that is substantially easier to understand without involvement of the original authors, compared to detour-ridden, strictly historic evolution.

Our target audience includes anyone who actively performs and publishes scientific research, from beginning graduate students coming up to speed with contemporary research methods, to seasoned researchers and faculty who want to improve their reproducibility skills, or want to learn about technological developments and new tools that might not have been in common use when they started their careers.

We assume familiarity with programming computers and their essential software stacks, as is typically available in engineering, natural science, and other quantitative fields with rigorous scientific standards.

The workshop will be held in English.


Die Veranstaltung findet über Zoom statt. Mit Ihrer Teilnahme erklären Sie sich mit der Nutzung einverstanden. Die Software Zoom ist für diese nicht zwingend erforderlich, der Zugang ist via Internet-Browser möglich ( Wenn Sie an der Diskussion teilnehmen möchten, benötigen Sie ein Mikrofon und nach Möglichkeit eine Web-Cam.

Den Link zum virtuellen Konferenzraum der Plattform Zoom wird einen Tag vor der Veranstaltung per E-Mail an die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer versandt. Es ist ratsam, ca. 5 Minuten vor Beginn der Veranstaltung in den virtuellen Meetingraum zu kommen, um genügend Zeit für technische Einstellungen zu haben.


Verfügbare Plätze
30 / 30

14:00 - 16:00

Konferenzplattform Zoom
Virtueller Konferenzraum
Lizenz der Universität Passau

Kostenlos an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen

Buchungen sind für diese Veranstaltung nicht mehr möglich.

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